Monday, June 3, 2013

Trinity School Visit

Today we visited the first school to investigate resources and ask teachers about methods and practicals.  We had a great time and received some great resources. 

We started with Lorna Rawlings' science class.  She provided several new resources that we can use and gave us her email so we can contact her with questions.

Debbie and Lorna in front of the Serenity Garden at Trinity School, Belvedere, London, UK
Students running an experiement for the second time to evaluate how to make it a better experiment.
Great Science bulletin board in the hall of the science department.  Good idea to make students think.
 After we left the Science department we went to the History Department.  There Sally Hemley shared a great deal of resources and we had a great chat.

Sally Hemley, me and Debbie.  Sally was wonderful.  She was sweet and shared ideas and resources.

Bulletin Board in the History room.

Bulletin Board in History department

Another great bulletin board in the Sally's history room.

You will not believe this but the picture below is just one example of the great food in the school cafeteria.  You know teachers really like their food so this was an important part of the tour. 
Veggie Tart, Coleslaw and fresh steamed brocolli.

Roasted Chicken, Steamed Rice and Steamed  Broccoli.

I know, I know you are asking if I only got resources for Science and History.  We were very fortunate to visit the math teacher Jackie Hubbard.  She gave us several resources for our math teachers and an email address of Mrs. Hubbard.

We also were able to get some sources from the English department.  It was a good day, we met some wonderful teachers and have a heavy bag of resources.

Debbie and I at Trinity School in Belvedere, England.

I can't leave without sharing the best part of the day.  We ate the most scrumptious meal that our Simon cooked for us after his long day at school.  We also were able to play with Harry, Jake, Louis, and Sophia.  God is good and we had a wonderful time.

Louis, Jake and Harry.

Our baby Sophia.
Who could resist that face?


  1. So great and so fun!

    Thanks for sharing,

    Dr. Abernathy

  2. Such a great experience for you! Can't wait to see what you do next!!


  3. Wow! Our school cafeteria food NEVER looked like that. LOL The little children are sooooo cute! Sophia could be the "Gerber Baby"
    Great Post!
